Monday, September 18, 2006

Its Dog Girl

So its interesting to see everyone's reaction to Sienna when we walk around the block...

The first is SUPER Walker Woman Ranger.. We've past her several times... with her ipod and her black workout outfit and her middle age short blonde hair most perfectly in place... She doesn't make eye contact, doesn't smile as she passes, and shore enough does NOT flinch when she sees a pit bull coming her way...

Not so the middle school age boys... " Oh MY GOD... A DOG" the yelp as they RUNNNNN at mock 5 over to the other side of the street.. They're not taking any chances... they're more flitter bugger than a squirell... They laugh at each other and saunter on down the sidewalk in their Michael Jordan outfits...

Then somewhere out of the blue,,, comes a toddler little girls voice.... "Look.!!!!!!!!!! A DOGGIE!!! " "HI DOGGIE!" I can't see her, and Sienna doesn't even register her voice, but I feel her love and warmth and half expect to see little short legs come running over to hug Sienna.. What purity of heart the little ones have that they can sense the purity of a dog...

I pass by a house... the lights are low... a shadowy male form passes over the screen door. A low throaty voice cries out." It's Dog Girl" ! Well! I didn't know I was dog girl.... that's a new identity. I don't think he realizes that I can HEAR him through the screen door, much less SEE him out of my night and into His blazing lighted house.. I smile inside. Well, he doesn't even notice Sienna.... He notices... Me! How flattering... That's right. ... that's the new me... DOG GIRL!


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