Friday, October 19, 2007


We spent a very peaceful day travelling from Santorini to Rome today. We started out the morning on the balcony of our hotel Villa Renos. Observing the last sights of the Chaldera eating a fabulous breakfast of sweet pastries in philllo, yogurt, fruit, cheese, tomatoes and salami.

I got in a whole another round of fights with Creepy rose guy after he wanted to charge another night of hotel charges....

We noticed funny things about Greeks, and here are a few.

1. It is just absolutely funny that Greek men use the Worry beads. These are beads that look like a rosary but actually they are beads that have no meaning. Just out of the blue you will hear beads clicking, and you look around the the average Greek guy has got a hand on these things and he's just swinging them around. It is truly the funniest thing I have seen in a while. No reason. Just fiddling with these beads. Guys in suits, guys smoking a cigarette at the bar, guys everywhere are swinging these worry beads. No women, just men. huh, go figure

2. No toilet paper can be flushed down the drain. Thepipes evidently are too small. Though it sounds gross, it is true. All bathrooms have liittle trash cans with lids that you must put the
tP in. hmmm.

3. The streets have cobblestone streets that are not cobblestones, but rocks that have painstainkingly been placed on their edge to make a street.

4. Wine vines are put down to the ground as baskets.

5. The word for yes, in Greek is "Ne".


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