Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Five Quirky Things about me...

Rules: “The first player of this game starts with the topic “five weird habits of yourself,” and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don’t forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says “You are tagged” (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.”Yes, I've been tagged. Here goes:Five weird habits about myself:

1. When feet hit the ground, am on my way to the Coffee machine. If one is not close, I go into a controlled panic until I can get my fingers curled around a cup of Joe.

2. My desk at work must be clean, or I feel completely out of control of my entire life and am plunged into the depths of despair. I must have some spot in my life that is in total control.

3. My closet at home is the complete opposite and usually is a state of free for all. You would think that I am trying to turn my closet into a game like those play areas at McDonalds full of balls where you have somewhere to jump into and play around. I must have some spot in my life that is in total disarray.

4. I start drooling and enter a comatose state when listening to good Jazz. That is good information for anyone who wants to rob my house.

5. On an airplane I must sit on the aisle so that I can go to the restroom at least three times a flight. I think I have some phobia left over from being on a roadtrip where no one would stop to go to the restroom.

I am with Cammin that She and V are the only bloggers I know...

Therefore,,, I make my own rule and tag - Melanie, Elizabeth, Tonya, Marcia and Rory. HA! Reply here!


Blogger rita said...

I'm with you on the coffee...
and on the closet. Well, come to think of it, there is very little I have complete control over these days, so it's like the closet philosophy is leaking out into the other areas of my life. Soon, I'll be a prime candidate for one of those "Organize-your-home-and-your-life" shows...

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 quirky things about me:
1) do not for any reason wake me up; ;unless the house is on fire or one of my children are dead or near death.
2) I like the covers straight when I sleep. No, no; can't have the covers sideways or sheets untucked at the end of the bed.
3) I don't like long good byes. Of course, anyone who knows me, knows that I like to just leave and give a quick hug or a wave bye. Once I decide its time to go, I need to be in the car and on the road within 60 seconds. Of course, my husband likes to crack a beer right about the time I say, "honey, it's time to go" And we NEVER fight about that!
4) I could spend an entire weekend alone and not talk to anyone and be just fine, feel rejuved and ready to deal with things.
5) I let my dog lick my face.
Very sick; but I'm trying to stop.

I don't have a blog, but will tag folks thru email and link them to ms. dancing strangs.

8:11 AM  
Blogger Felicia said...

I'm with ya on the clean desk, and the aisle seat. Love that you tagged non bloggers... maybe some will join us!


9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.K. Ms. Thang! 'Cause you know I have your BLOG bookmarked and I LOVE your posts. However, may I REphrase the REquest and entitle my entry-"5 Things that make me feel rich"????

1. A programmable coffee maker that wakes me ever so gently very early(instead of 3 crazy children demanding breakfast).
2. An hour of hardcore exercise that leaves me invigorated and happy to deal with afformentioned children.
3. A fridge containing healthy food, a few chilled Yuengling Lager(when in PA) or Shiner Bock(when in TX) and a countertop with a nice red wine(we have NO racks b/c wine NEVER lasts long in this house).
4. Weekends. I have husband help and it reminds me that my life is truly blessed.
5. Friends that make me laugh, laugh, laugh. Like Melanie who calls to tell me the latest funny joke she heard on BET. Or Ms. Strings who shares her wonderful adventures with us all.

No Blog, just lovin' the BLOGGERS I do know...

4:20 PM  

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